What a Team we have , striving to make our clients feel the best ever version of themselves when they walk out of our doors.
SY1 Hair on Dogpole, our Shrewsbury Town centre Salon
SY2 The Salon on Conway Drive, Telford est, monkmoor.

We have all been very busy productive, creative & happy bees here at the SY salons,
SY1 Hair & SY2 The Salon .

Dont forget you can book your hair appointment online 24/7 to suit you.nm

Alternatively call us & we will assist you.
SY1 Hair 01743 233410
SY2 The Salon 01743 355534
In other news ......

Mothers Day on
Sunday 19th march
Dont forget your Mothers day gifts.
This could be booking Mum in for a fabulous pamper hair do. or perhaps buying her vouchers to use to suit her.
Also we sell gorgeous Schwarzkopf hair products, shampoos conditioners and other styling products.
You can purchase (while stock lasts) Ghd or Cloud nine stylers / hair dryers.